Healthcare technology

Healthcare technology

READ the following articles related to healthcare technology:
• Smith, C. (2004). New technology continues to invade healthcare. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 28(2), 92-98. (CLICK on PDF file: NEW TECHNOLOGY)
• Simpson, R.L. (2004). No borders nursing: How technology heals global ills. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 28(1), 55-59. (CLICK on PDF file: GLOBAL TECHNOLGY)
• Trunell, A. (2010). Five improvised medical gadgets that save money and lives. TakePart: Inspiration for Action. Retrieved from (CLICK on PDF file: MEDICAL GADGETS)
4) VISIT the following website: TakePart: Inspiration for Action and examine issues that directly or indirectly effect global health:
5) VISIT global and international health blogs at the following web addresses:
• American Journal of Nursing: International Nursing Blogs
• The Practical Nurse: Top 50 International Health Care and Nursing Blogs
• Welcome to US PharmD – USA Doctor of Pharmacy: Global Health Blogs
6) RESPOND or COMMENT on a global/international health issue blog (at least 50 words comment).
Blogs are issues (in our course issues related to global health) that are posted on the web by individuals or organizations which give the reader of the blog the ability to either respond to the issue or to introduce another issue. You do not have to use the suggestions of blogs found in the assignment–any blog you find on the internet that relates to a global health issue you are interested in responding to is fine. If you are interested in a particular issue, it may help to do a google-type search. Some blogs require you to register or sign in to post a response or introduce another issue.
Your assignment is just to compose your blog response (one blog response is sufficient), upload it, and do a copy and paste of the response with the blog link to the Discussion Board.
7) UPLOAD a copy of the comment & URL pathway into the Blackboard Discussion Board by the due date (Do NOT use the Turn-It-In folder

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Technology in Healthcare
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