The Dream Giver book review
At the end of the semester, we will read The Dream Giver. This book is a delightful story, although it is probably unlike most other books that you have read. After you have read part 1, you will realize that the story of Ordinary as he journeys to accomplish his big dream is a generic version of every inspirational person’s life story. No matter who you study—Martin Luther King, Jr., Oprah Winfrey, Lance Armstrong, Helen Keller, or some of the lesser-well-known inspirational people we have learned about this semester—you will see that their life story unfolds in the same way that Ordinary’s did. To be a truly inspirational and successful person, to live up to your greatest potential, to be happy and content with yourself, you will have to take a journey similar to Ordinary’s trip.
The purpose of the inspirational people project is to help you realize how they have all made fantastic journeys from ordinary and humble beginnings to be the recognized people that they are now. By learning about the life stories of these people, their personalities, and their inspirational causes, you have some role models to follow for your own life. The purpose of reading The Dream Giver is to help you start on your own personal journey. Only if you have a vision for your life can you live your own big dream. The journey to achieve your dreams is not predictable and straightforward; you will likely encounter obstacles that you couldn’t have foreseen. Although we can’t perfectly predict what will happen in the future, there is a lot to be gained—and nothing to be lost—by making a first attempt to plan out the next 10 years of your life.
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