Write an academic journal article review on Remembering Cherokee Removal in Civil Rights by Era Georgia

Write an academic journal article review on Remembering Cherokee Removal in Civil Rights by Era Georgia

Assignment: Write an Academic (Peer-Reviewed) Journal Article Review “Remembering Cherokee Removal in Civil Rights–Era Georgia”

This paper review should focus on the topic of the article and have a clear analysis. The analysis should include the time period, place, target audiences-(Provide two) (WHO IS THE AUDIENCE?), the author’s authority-(what are their credentials, where did they go to college, have they written other subject matter, and something interesting about the author). include and objectivity- (is the author objective or bias?-explain do they present more than one side?), and finally, make sure to analyze the article’s content well.
Grammar and spelling will also be evaluated.
provided the reference at the end

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Write an academic journal article review on Remembering Cherokee Removal in Civil Rights by Era Georgia

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