The Effects of Wal-Mart on a Community
The Effects of Wal-Mart on a Community
Each student will define their own project to focus on for the course. Following this section are samples of project that students have undertaken, but the list is not exclusive. Students are encouraged to propose new and original research within the business discipline. The first phase of the project – typically completed during BUAD 400L – will consist of the following elements:
1. Abstract
2. Introduction
3. Research Question
4. Approach and Methods
5. Preliminary Discussion
6. Work Plan with Timetable
7. Implications of the Research
8. References
The final project may not follow the same format as the project proposal, and will depend on the exact nature of the project being undertaken. The project will be developed in segments throughout the semester and will culminate into a complete and comprehensive plan. The deliverable will be a 30-50 page paper, with a required 10-15 minute presentation on the topic. Papers likely will vary in length since some may contain more tables, charts, and graphs than others. Use of the APA 6th edition format for documentation of sources is expected.
I would like to be kept in loop where we are with it and if needs more time (no later than 2/11/18). If needs more time I do need have part of the thesis 1/28/18. If you need to pick an area for actual data try Richmond VA area please. charts or graphs can take up 8 pages.
The Effects of Wal-Mart on a Community.
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