Discuss what marketing manager of IBM brand should do to make IBM brand chosen

Discuss what marketing manager of IBM brand should do to make IBM brand chosen

Essay Question
Direction: Students are given 3 essay questions. Answer all the questions. For each question, provide
concise and creative answers using some relevant examples to clarify the answers, if necessary.
1. At the stage of pre-purchase evaluation, it is well-known that consumers are utilizing one of several decision rules under the piecemeal process when they evaluate all the alternatives in the consideration set. The piecemeal process includes five types of decision rules such as two compensatory (simple additive and weighted additive decision rules) and three non-compensatory rules (Lexicographic, elimination by aspects, and conjunctive decision rules). Using the rating data of a particular person as shown in the table below, answer the following questions:
1) Identify which brand will be chosen when consumers use each of two compensatory and three non-compensatory decision rules mentioned above. Show your detailed calculation steps for each decision rule for a better score.
2) Discuss what marketing manager of IBM brand should do to make IBM brand chosen assuming that consumers are using both lexicographic and elimination-by-aspect decision rules. Use the
sensitivity analysis approach for this task.
Example: When a specific brand is not chosen during the alternative evaluation stage, it is
essential for marketers to identify how to revert the entire evaluation process and persuade
target consumers to choose your specific brand using the sensitivity analysis. Assume that target
customers are using each of simple additive, weighted additive, lexicographic, elimination-by-
aspects (EBA), and conjunctive decision rules for the alternative evaluation process. Given that,
the goal of this group work is 1) to calculate which brand is chosen when using each decision rule
and 2) suggest your recommendations to persuade consumers to choose the brand IBM—as your
brand—for each decision rule.


Answer preview for discuss what marketing manager of IBM brand should do to make IBM brand chosen

MRKT Fall Assignments
