DNP Role in Population Focused Interventions How do population interventions differ from individually focused interventions

DNP Role in Population Focused Interventions How do population interventions differ from individually focused interventions

Discussion Criteria for DNP Courses (Not including Project and Practicum Courses)

Week 1:

DNP Role in Population-Focused Interventions How do population interventions differ from individually focused interventions? Give an example of a holistic/biopsychosociospiritual (BPSS) intervention focused on an individual and then revise the intervention to focus on a similar population. Assessing Populations Investigate the top four health issues for the population in your state or region (Texas). Compare these issues to Healthy People 2020. Are the issues in your area similar to or different from the national issues? If they are not congruent, what is your supposition regarding the difference?

Week 2:

Models and Frameworks for Studying the Vulnerability Identify two models for studying vulnerability and compare and contrast differences when applied to the same population.

Week 2: Identifying and Defining Population Outcomes The National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI) has identified nurse-sensitive indicators from a variety of settings, including community-based setting. Identify two of these community-based indicators and determine appropriate outcomes

Week 3:

Appropriate Application of Epidemiological Terms in Determining Risk Relative Risk of Breast Cancer: The National Cancer Institute estimates that women have an average lifetime risk of 13.2% (one in eight) of being diagnosed with breast cancer at some time in their lives. The chance that a woman will never develop breast cancer is 86.8% (seven in eight). Having one first-degree relative with breast cancer approximately doubles a woman’s risk of developing cancer (compared to women having no first-degree relatives with breast cancer). Having two first-degree relatives with breast cancer increases risk fivefold. What is the probability or risk of developing breast cancer in both of the scenarios? What is the relative risk? What is the attributable risk? Discuss the im​‌‍‌‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‌‍‍‍‍‍‍‍​portance (or lack of) of these terms in describing a patient’s risk of breast cancer.

Week 3: Applying Epidemiological or Biostatistical Terminology Which epidemiological or biostatistical terminology best supports the magnitude of the problem for your proposed evidence-based promotion class project.

Week 4:

Frameworks for Assessing High Risk Factors in Populations Discuss the outcomes that are measured to support the effectiveness of the Head Start Program.

Week 4: Professional Accountability What professional and ethical accountability does the nurse assume in all phases of the screening process from planning to follow-up?

Week 5:

Frameworks for Assessing Population High- risk Factors Choose a condition and/or disease. Utilize the Web of Causation or the Epidemiological Triangle framework to describe the contributing factors for host, agent, and environment, and so forth.

Week 5: Health Disparities and Health Equity What are the differences between health disparities and health equity? Give examples of the different approaches and philosophies when utilizing these terms.

Week 6:

Evidence-Based Interventions for Populations Identify two valid and reliable sources for evidence-based interventions for populations.

Week 6: Evaluating Evidence-Based Interventions for Populations Discuss the importance of a structured evaluation process to a successful evidence-based interventional program.

Week 7:

Frameworks for Evaluating Outcomes Share with the class the outcomes you measured to evaluate your class project.

Week 7: Dissemination and Intra-/Interprofessional Collaboration If you carried out this plan, how would you disseminate your findings? What venues would be appropriate? How might you engage intra-/interprofessional collaboration?

Week 8:

Stakeholders If you had the opportunity to share your DNP project with stakeholders, how would you modify your systematic review to make your project more appeali​‌‍‌‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‌‍‍‍‍‍‍‍​ng?

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DNP Role in Population Focused Interventions How do population interventions differ from individually focused interventions

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