How would you handle a patient who constantly complains about pain?
How would you handle a patient who constantly complains about pain?
HOW WOULD YOU HANDLE A PATIENT WHO CONSTANTLY COMPLAINS ABOUT PAIN?) .What happened, what did the situation/issue involve? What was I doing/involved? Where? When? Who was involved? How was I involved? What seems significant to pay attention to? RESPONDING.. How well did it go? How well did I perform? How do I know it worked or didn’t work? What specifically worked well? How do I know it worked well? What specifically worked least well? Why do I think that? How did I feel, and what made me feel that way? How were others feeling, and what made them feel that way? How did you respond emotionally/personally/behaviourally to the situation/issue etc? RELATING… Which theories/bodies of knowledge are relevant to the situation/issue -and in what ways? How does it connect with other personal/professional experiences you have had and in what ways? REASONING… What is your explanation for what happened? How does the relevant theory and /or research inform your thinking about this? What is the impact of different perspectives, e.g. a personal perspective? patients’ perspectives? peers/colleagues’ perspective? RECONSTRUCTING …In summary, what do you think about this situation/issue? What conclusion can you draw? How do you justify these? With hindsight, would you do something differently next time and why? What has this taught you about professional practice? about yourself? How will you use this experience to further improve your practice in the future?
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