Human Service Practicum Report
Human Service Practicum Report. The Final Practicum Report (as well as your Supervisors Evaluation) must be submitted on the above Due Date. You must submit the report on this date in order to receive a grade. Your Site Supervisor must also be given a copy, with sufficient time for them to read it before submitting your evaluation. Its intent is to bring your Practicum Site Learning Experiences together in one document. The main purpose of this report is for you to reflect upon your Practicum experience, particularly upon what you have learned. This Report will center on the Competencies stated in your Practicum Learning Contract. Below are the guidelines for the Final Report, please follow them accurately.
Writing guidelines will follow the American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines10.
The report is to be typed on standard sized (8 ½” x 11″) plain, white paper, double- spaced.
Margins are to be one inch (1″) on all four sides of every page.
Indent the beginning of each paragraph with five spaces.
Refer to the Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary for APA Style spelling preferences.
If you abbreviate a term, first spell it out then immediately follow with parentheses that include the initials you are using.
Use correct grammatical structure.
Respect the concepts of non-sexist language11.
Don’t forget to proofread and Spell Check your Final Report. Remember that Spell Check is limited in what it corrects. Suggestion: Have someone proofread your report.
Utilize the services of the Learning Center if you need help.
General Instructions for Your Report
Each section of the report will begin on a new page.
Place each section heading in the top center of the page.
Your Entire Report must be typed. No handwritten material accepted.
Use a consistent font and format, professional in choice, throughout the report. Don’t change fonts.
The report should include the following sections:
Cover Page
Table of Contents
Practicum Site Information Report
Learning Experiences
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