Qualitative Research Study on Symptoms as the Main Predictors of Caregivers Perception of the Suffering of Patients with Primary Malignant Brain Tumors

Qualitative Research Study on Symptoms as the Main Predictors of Caregivers Perception of the Suffering of Patients with Primary Malignant Brain Tumors

See Research Critique p. 354 for responses to the Research Critique for Qualitative Research Study: Symptoms as the Main Predictors of Caregivers’ Perception of the Suffering of Patients with Primary Malignant Brain Tumors ( Lobiondo-Wood & Haber,2018, pp.340-356)
Utilize the course Text (Lobiondo-Wood & Haber, (2018) and Quantitative Research Resources posted in the Course Module in Canvas:
Quantitative research design (Bloomfield, 2019); Rigour in quantitative research (Claydon, 2015); Quantitative research (Watson, 2014),

  1. Did the introduction provide background information, the purpose of the study, and the significance of it to nursing? Give two examples the author provided supporting a need for this study. If the purpose was stated in the form of objective or goals, state what they are.
    10 points
  1. Write the problem statement/research question of the study. Was “what” is being studied clear to the reader? Was the problem statement stated as a question or written in the declarative form? (*Note: This is often just above the “method” section) Did the problem statement/research question contain the population being studied and the major variables? What was the population to be addressed in this study? What are the major variables? (i.e. dependent, independent, extraneous variables)
  2. Was there a theoretical framework or conceptual framework provided for conducting this study? If yes, state what the framework was. Is the framework appropriate?
  3. Was/Were a hypothesis (es) stated? If yes, write the hypothesis (es) and comment if the hypothesi(es) was directional, non-directional or null. Was it stated in the present tense and in the declarative form? Did it/they contain the population and the variables being studied?
    HINT: Review Declarative Statement & Directional Hypothesis Lobiando-Wood & Haber, 2018, pp.33-38)
  4. Did the review of literature flow in an organized manner? Were there any articles that were more than 5 years old?
  1. Was the research design clearly identified and described. State the design and discuss the appropriateness of the design for this research. Did the researcher mention the means to control threats to internal validity and external vilify? If yes, what were these methods?
    HINT: See course text on Validity; Quantitative Resources in module section of CANVAS: Quantitative research design (Bloomfield, 2019); Rigour in quantitative research (Claydon, 2015); Quantitative research (Watson, 2014), Validity and reliability in quantitative studies (Heale & Twycross, 2015)
  2. Was the setting employed appropriate for this study? Give the rationale for your answer?
  3. What sampling method was employed to choose the participants of the study? Did the method of the sample selection enable the researchers to generalize the findings? What information was provided about the sample? (i.e. the criteria for selection)
  4. Were the rights of participants of the study guaranteed? What is the rationale for your answer? (i.e. Was IRB approval obtained? Was a consent form used?)
  5. How were data collected? Were data collection instruments employed? If yes, please name them. Were reliability and validity of the instruments reported? How was the validity established? Was the reliability at a satisfactory level?
  6. Name the type of descriptive statistics calculated(see page 282 in the text for definition. Name the type of inferential statistics calculated. 5 points
    HINT: Describe the type of statistical analysis used in the study and define the terms as defined in the text. Descriptive Statistics-describe and summarize data; include measures of central tendancy (such as mean, median and mode), measures of variability such as Standard Deviation (SD), and measures of correlation. Inferential Statistics-estimate how reliably predictions and generalization of findings based on data; an attempt to draw conclusions that extend beyond the study data. Used to analyze the data collected, test hypothesis, and answer the research questions in a research study. (Lobiondo-Wood & Haber, 2018, p. 218).
  7. Were the findings presented in an objective manner? Were the findings compared with those of other studies discussed in the literature review? In the conclusion, did the researchers relate the meaning and worth of the findings? What are the implications of nursing? Were
    recommendations for future research suggested?
  8. APA format, grammar, sentence structure
    Papers must be typed according to APA format and submitted on time. Points will be deducted when these criteria are not addressed in a thorough and accurate fashion.

Topic: Symptoms as the Main Predictors of Caregivers Perception of the Suffering of Patients with Primary Malignant Brain Tumors

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Qualitative Research Study on Symptoms as the Main Predictors of Caregivers Perception of the Suffering of Patients with Primary Malignant Brain Tumors

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