Recall a time from your past when the stakes were against you and you wanted to quit but you kept going who was there cheering in your corner
Recall a time from your past when the stakes were against you and you wanted to quit, but you kept going. Who was there cheering in your corner? What difference did that make? What is your motivation? Michael Jordan, a retired NBA player, is often largely acclaimed for the five championships that he brought to the city of Chicago back in the ‘90s. However, his die-hard fans know that he failed many, many times before he succeeded, but Michael did not give up. So, what about you? What is your motivation for learning? What keeps you going even when you feel like dropping the proverbial ball and going home? Recall a time from your past when the stakes were against you and you wanted to quit, but you kept going. Who was there cheering in your corner? What difference did that make?
Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.
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