Strategic Analysis

Strategic Analysis

TITLE: Strategic Analysis

Learning outcomes:
K1. Understanding of the origins and various approaches to strategy
K2. Understanding of the complexity of the relationships between the organisation and its environment
K3. Understanding of international/global strategic thinking
K4. Understanding of the application of strategy ideas in practice Skill
S1. The ability to analyse the complexity of organisations and their environments
S2. The ability to synthesise earlier, diverse and possible piecemeal studies of the organisation and assimilate new theoretical models and offer solutions relative to strategic issues
S3. The ability to evaluate existing models and methodologies against observations of the practices of real organisations

Meet the learning outcomes listed above, identify and critically analyse fundamental issues related to strategic management. Undertake a study that shows clear evidence of synthesis and evaluation.

1. Introduction: Briefly describe the scope of the report and provide an introduction to the chosen company.
2. TASK A – Market Environment Analysis: By identifying the respective analytical tools outline the micro and macro environmental conditions that the chosen company operates in. Also, highlight the critical success factors.
3. TASK B – Internal Analysis: Briefly explain how the chosen company’s strengths and weaknesses fit the opportunities and threats in its market environment.
3. TASK C – Resource and Capability Analysis: Outline the threshold and unique resources, core capabilities and core competencies for the chosen company.
4. TASK D – Strategy Formulation: Formulate company strategy of the chosen company’s based on the above analysis by using appropriate theories/frameworks/models
5. Conclusions, recommendations: To make a conclusion of the situation of the chosen company based on the above strategic analysis, and propose recommendations that the chosen company should further explore and consider

6. Literature sources: List out the relevant literature sources (at least 5, depending on their importance.)

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Strategic Analysis

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