There is a paper written on the novel, the love and other demons

There is a paper written on the novel, the love and other demons

There is a paper written on the novel, the love and other demons, that needs to be revised based on the following comments: 
You make a wise decision to break Sierva’s quest into two sections. In Part 2 you touch upon whether quest is or is not satisfactory. However, the paper is basically a retelling of the novel. For every text example analysis must follow that explains why this text supports your viewpoint presented in your thesis. Do not rely on a quotation or paraphrase as the answer to the question. This paper should be approximately 25 – 30 percent quotation or paraphrase and the rest should be analysis, examination of quest from your point of view. Also, choose those scenes that you wish to explore through analysis that will provide greater insight into your thesis focus. Kindly remember this for Short Paper 2 and the final project. In addition, use key phrases from the question in your answer. This will indicate that you are specifically addressing the question. 
Original instruction: 
An important understanding of the novel Of Love and Other Demons is how each character pursues their personal quest.
Part 1: Choose one character from the novel and explain her or his quest.
Part 2: Discuss whether the character has found a satisfactory conclusion to their quest.
Either label each part, Part 1 and Part 2, or use key phrases from each part that clearly identifies that your discussion has turned from Part 1 to Part 2.

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Of Love and Other Demons
