To what extent do modern moral values influence the script-writers’ decisions?

To what extent do modern moral values influence the script-writers’ decisions?

Q: Watch a film-version of a hero-saga (Argonauts, Odyssey, etc.): a) To what extent do modern moral values influence the script-writers’ decisions? and b) What literary sources were followed? and c) How closely were these sources followed?
Film of choice:
More info:
1. Use of clear and consistent arguments
2. Understanding of the difference between primary and secondary sources;
3. Ability to use the above (#2) understanding: source-criticism is one of the most significant bases for grading
in every choice on the list.
4. Reasonable effort to pursue research of primary or otherwise ancient sources, where they are applicable and
where they are available in modern English translations;
5. Reasonable effort to pursue research of secondary sources and/or modern interpretations of myths, and to
follow the arguments of such authors
6. Each numbered question represents a single option: you must indicate which question you are answering and
answer it in ALL its component parts if there are multiple parts.
7. Quote the actual words of the question, as they pertain to your choice, as the title of your essay. Your
discussion WITHIN the essay is the appropriate time to be imaginative, NOT IN THE TITLE! I make
deductions if I have grounds to suspect that you have manipulated one of my title-questions simply to
make life easier for yourself.
8. The overall form of the essay MUST reflect your own conclusions and IN YOUR OWN WORDS.
 Quotations may be used and will gain extra points for being used appropriately. ALL quotation MUST be
 accompanied (either in parentheses or in footnotes/endnotes) by an accurate citation of source (author,
 book/periodical, page # or line #).
Answer preview for to what extent do modern moral values influence the script-writers’ decisions?

Analysis of The Odyssey Film
