Vitamin or mineral assignment
Vitamin or mineral assignment guidelines
Compose a 3 – 4 page paper TYPED, DOUBLE SPACED using a word processing program
(such as Microsoft Word)
Information about the nutrient in your paper MUST include its:
Discovery of the nutrient
Purpose/function in the body
Deficiency name and symptoms
Toxicity name and symptoms
Current Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) information – If your assigned nutrient has no
established RDA, AI, or UL, then comment in the paper that this is the case. HINT:
There are tables in the textbook with this information – do not miss these easy points by
omitting this information from your paper.
Food sources – both specific foods and food groups where applicable
Role in disease processes
Interesting facts
Latest research
At least 4 references are required. You may use your textbook as one of your references.
The types of sources should include articles from professional/science-based journals.
Websites such as Wikepedia or online advertisement sites that promote supplements are not
to be used.
Utilize the Sauk Library for your research by either going there or logging on to
1. Select “Departments” then “Library (LRC)”.
2. Select the “Articles” (the link is on the left side of the page)
3. Select “Online Research Databases”.
4. Choose from the list available – some good ones are:
1. CINAHL Plus with Full Text
2. Health Source Consumer Edition
3. Health Source Nursing Edition
4. PubMed Central
5. Access Science
6. FirstSearch (select MEDLINE in the “Search in database” drop-down)
When selecting the name of a specific database, you will automatically be prompted to log in
through the library proxy server. Use your Sauk username and password for access.
Please contact the SVCC Library if you have additional questions.
Of your 4 references, you may use ONLY 1 credible internet source. Examples of credible
websites include (but are not limited to):
A Bibliography or Works Cited that lists the 4 references utilized for your research is
REQUIRED at the end of your paper (any format is acceptable) – Author, title, journal or
publishing company, pages used, and year are required. If there is no list of references or if the
reference information listed is not adequate, you will not receive a grade for the paper until this
information is submitted.
Sources must be from within the past 10 years (If the information you provide regarding the
discovery of the nutrient is older than 10 years, I will accept that.
This assignment is worth 100 Points.
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