Watch “What Would You Do?” clip and  summarize the scenario in short one paragraph

Watch “What Would You Do?” clip and  summarize the scenario in short one paragraph

Video on Mother shaming fat daughter – After watching the “What Would You Do?” clip, summarize the scenario in short one paragraph. In the next paragraph(s) give as many perspective/viewpoints from the scenario as possible before answering what you would do in the last paragraph. DON’T JUST ANSWER THE QUESTION BASED ON YOUR EMOTIONS. Do this without being biased or using “I”. Use the “student guide to critical thinking” to assist you with the assignment. In order to earn a better grade, critically think about what you intend on writing, use proper mechanics in writing, and when conveying the points of view, be as unbiased as possible. Using one sentence to write about each statement presented in this exercise will not be sufficient. Be thorough, yet concise. Discussion boards are intended to push you to think further about topical concepts in this course and require that you respond to other students to get full credit. Original posts that do not fully answer the discussion question will not receive a grade; likewise, replies that do not contain substance in content will not receive a grade. This means that you are not allowed to simply respond with “I agree” or other simple statements. Discussions should be a minimum of 200 words, be written in APA and include one reference in APA. Reference can be the textbook. Reference should be cited at end of student’s initial post. Students should respond to at least two other posts from classmates per discussion.

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Watch What Would You Do clip and  summarize the scenario in short one paragraph.

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